Sunday 24 November 2019

Blogging hiatus

Closer than before to the 260 year old William Grimshaw chandelier in St Michael's, Haworth - attempting to clean it a bit as part of yesterday's 'spring clean' after two months of successful rewiring and relighting work going on in the church.

Grimshaw chose Philippians 1.21 ('to live is Christ, to die is gain') as a text  engraved onto the chandelier.  I was pressed again the other day to produce some Grimshaw material (to balance the Bronte material we have in abundance) and might use the text when I do so.

But a more pressing issue (just as the rewiring completes) turns out to be the need to repair (and plan to replace) the electronic action of the organ which has chosen this moment to malfunction - a cheap and poor buy in the 1980s we now learn.  Here is the back off the console under remedial inspection.

Meanwhile. outside St Gabriel's, Stanbury this morning, we thought we spotted a horned creature with a curled lip, which is as good as I can do at the moment until my blogging zeal returns.