Tuesday 11 November 2014

Book announcement

A book of my poems (many of which have appeared here) is being published on 24th November.  The formal launch is at the new Arts Centre at the Grimsby Institute at 7.30.  Skint begins on TV at 9.00 but I hope that the quality of life in Grimsby will be better represented at my event.  The book is beautifully illustrated by Emily Connor, a student from the Institute, and proceeds from its sale will be for St Andrew's Hospice.


Ian Crockatt said...

Hi Peter,

Good to hear about the book - congratulations, and
Good luck with the launch.
I look forward to seeing the poems - different, I know from mine; maybe we could do a swop?


Peter Mullins said...

Thanks. I would particular appreciate your feed back on the one Rilke in it: http://petermullins.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/orpheus-and-eurydice.html

Ian Crockatt said...

Maybe best of you send me your e-mail address? I'm icrockatt@yahoo.co.uk