The Revd George Mullins was born at the end of the eighteenth century and appears in the first edition of Crockford’s Clerical Directory; the largest parish of which he was incumbent only had a population of little over a hundred. Like Trollope’s Warden, in 1855 as well as being responsible for the Almshouses where he lived in the substantial Master’s House he was the incumbent of a small parish not far away. He was also a schoolmaster, and, unusually, the Corsham Almshouses contain a substantial old schoolroom. We know nothing of his musical ability, although his grandfather’s will mentions ‘all my musical books and instruments’. We do know he dug up Roman remains in his garden, bred fish in his pond, travelled distances by horse, and dined with local clerical and literary acquaintances. And, sadly, he became a chronic invalid in his 50s: he retired because of ill health, and is reported to have had ‘giddiness of the head and fits’.
All this gives me the totally unjustified feeling of being rooted in a certain form of Anglicanism beginning just ahead of the reforms of the first half of the nineteenth century and living through them. I value quite disproportionately having his photograph.
1 comment:
Fascinating to see one of the masters of the Almshouses, thank you for blogging the story.
You might be interested, if you haven't come across it already, to see the Corsham Almshouses new website at http://corshamalmshouses.org.uk
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