Saturday, 17 May 2014

Moving on

It was sad to see our Curate go when the whole parish said farewell to her at our service together last Sunday morning; I'm glad the picture caught her eating in front of a display she'd put together of highlights of her time with us.  There has been much fun, and she goes to a post of 'first responsibility' on a a tide of affection and prayers

It was also sad to see St Michael's pulpit go soon afterwards, but it has not been used in thirty years and serial attempts to incorporate it into reordering plans had failed.

Its departure did give me the opportunity to get into the redundant church in the Wolds which the diocese operates as a store for such things many of which then find a new home.


ElsieJoy said...

Where do the redundant items go to Peter? Are they sold to the public or redistributed to other churches in need of such an item? Hope they don't just sit in store and slowly decay

Peter Mullins said...

It all depends. As it often does.

Sometimes the legal permission to remove an item requires its long-term safe preservation in store.

But, for example,there are a lot of pews in the store at the moment form one church - the church is going through the process of redundancy and water is getting into it but it would be illegal to sell the pews until the redundancy process is completed.

Finding another church which would like an item is usually the most desired outcome but it isn't always easy to broker such an arrangement.