Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Moving forward

Things move gently forward with many of the tasks set for the next six months.  We've had a small number of positive responses to our leaflet round Bradley village, with a couple of new financial pledges and some offers of practical help which we are following up, so will be able to explore a way forward at St George's District Church Council next month.  For St Michael's area, I'm off in a minute to be initiated into how to help develop the Yarborough Ward website and we've been awarded the funding to put a proper bit of publicity about all the activities and possibilities in the Ward through every door.  We had an encouraging visit from two advisers from the diocese about how to tackle the development issues at St Nicolas' building so will be able to explore a way forward at the District Church Council later this month too. For the whole parish, we've just set up a date with an outside consultant for a Working Party for our mission and ministry review leading to our Parish Weekend in June.

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